CommonDurability250YesStackableNoSizeHeight: 0.25 BlocksWidth: 0.25 BlocksInternal ID.:?: 73Entity ID.See.dec: 455 hex: 1C7 bin: 111000111.See“'It's a weapon that is intended to be used underwater,' Jens Bergensten told Tom back when the update was released. 'You can both swing with it and throw it.'
A trident that you can use with 2 or 1 hand(s). Download and play thousands of your favorite games.purchased from 24/02/20 to 09/04/20 - limited offer while supplies last promotion period: 24/02/20 - 09/04/20 buy an msi rx 5500 xt graphics card and get a 20$ steam wallet code!
Tridents are pretty strong – they deal more melee damage than a diamond sword. But be aware that they have the durability of an iron one. So if you find a trident, you might want to keep it for special occasions.„—A trident is a spear-like that can be used in both melee and ranged combat and is a rare drop from. Contents.Obtaining Tridents are not craftable. They must be picked up as a drop from a killed.Drowned 15% of in (6.25% in ) spawn with a trident of random durability as their natural weapon, and they have an 8.5% chance of dropping the trident (increasing by 1% with each level of ).
In until, drowned can also drop a trident as one of its normal drops. They have a 11% chance of dropping either a gold ingot or trident when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 2% per level of looting. This gives tridents the following chances of dropping. 11⁄ 200 (5.5%). 13⁄ 200 (6.5%) with Looting I. 3⁄ 40 (7.5%) with Looting II.
17⁄ 200 (8.5%) with Looting IIIIn, a converted to a drowned has a chance of carrying a trident that can be dropped. In, only naturally-spawned drowned can spawn with a trident or have a chance of dropping one.In, trident held by a drowned has a chance to be enchanted, but the trident's enchantments have no effects for drowned. Thrown tridents Tridents thrown onto the ground by a player can be picked up. However, tridents thrown by cannot be picked up similarly to arrows shot by.Usage Drowned. Main article:15% of drowned in, and 6.25% in, spawn with a trident as its natural weapon.
It throws the trident at its opponent every 1.5 seconds, dealing 9 damage in normal difficulty. A drowned can throw unlimited tridents, and these tridents cannot be picked up by the player.A can be turned into a if it is killed by a trident thrown by a drowned: the chance of conversion is 0% on Easy, 50% on Normal and 100% on Hard and.In, a drowned can use the trident's melee attack if its target is within three blocks. The melee attack deals 9 damage.Melee attack Pressing attack while holding a trident deals damage to both mobs and players.

In, tridents deal 2 more base melee damage than an unenchanted. In, tridents deal 1 more base melee damage.
The trident's durability decreases by 1 when used as a melee weapon.Ranged attack. Pressing and holding use while holding a trident charges the trident. When released at full charge, the trident is thrown and deals damage to any entity that it hits. It flies on a ballistic trajectory similar to that of an arrow, but at 80% strength. If the trident hits a block, it sticks to the block, and if it hits an entity, it bounces and lands nearby. It is also blocked by shields and can be retrieved once it lands in the ground.
Thrown tridents can trigger wooden buttons and pressure plates. A trident can be thrown at a to break it, which causes the chorus flower to be dropped as an item.In and, tridents can be shot by.Tridents enchanted with return to the thrower after hitting a mob or a block. Higher levels of enchantment result in shorter recovery times. In, throwing a trident enchanted with Loyalty into destroys it, while in it returns to the player. Tridents (if with Loyalty), can take fire damage but still return to the player if thrown in lava. This is especially helpful in if the prefers a trident over a.
If a trident enchanted with Loyalty attempts to return to a player with no available inventory space, the trident floats near the until inventory space becomes available.Thrown tridents take 1 durability damage, regardless of whether it hit an entity or not. A thrown trident that has no remaining durability cannot be picked up and does not return to the player if enchanted with Loyalty.Tridents enchanted with launch the player a certain distance when thrown, with the distance increasing for higher enchantment levels. They can only be thrown if the player is standing in water or it is raining or snowing on the block they are standing on. If the player charges it but walks into a nearby dry area, the charge is canceled. If the player throws a Riptide trident and collides with a mob, the mob takes melee damage (including critical damage if the player is falling). Tridents enchanted with Riptide take one durability damage upon throwing, and an additional -1 durability if it collides with an entity.Unlike other projectiles, the trident does not slow down when thrown through water or lava.In, the enchantment affects all water mobs.
In, it deals extra damage to and mobs in water or rain.Unlike arrows, thrown tridents do not despawn. only Magical damageUsing, nearby players or mobs deal within an 8.25×8.25×4.25 cubical area. It stacks with the enchantment and effect.
Critical hits don't increase splash damage but affect the target.Oddly enough, in, thrown tridents can damage the while resting on the bedrock fountain.Damage Thrown tridents and splashes deal 8 damage. The damage remains the same regardless of the trident's speed. It has a faster-charging speed than a bow or crossbow without enchantments.Java Edition In, tridents have an attack speed of 1.1 and take 0.91 seconds to.AttackMeleeMelee (critical)RangeAttack damage913 × 6.58Damage/Second (DPS)9.914.3?Lifetime damage inflicted2259 × 1129.53263 × 1631.52008 × 1004Durability251. The formula to find the total lifetime damage is Durability × Damage per hit = Lifetime damage minimum. It excludes enchantments and critical hits.Elytra A trident with the enchantment can be used to propel the, but only in rainy weather, during snowy weather in certain biomes or while the is in a body of water.Impaling damage In, the enchantment deals extra damage to all water mobs.
In, it deals extra damage to all players and mobs in water or rain.Trident Damage by Impaling levelLevelIncreaseMeleeRangedIadds 2.511.5 × 5.7510.5 × 5.25IIadds 514 × 713 × 6.5IIIadds 7.516.5 × 8.2515.5 × 7.75IVadds 1019 × 9.518 × 9Vadds 12.5 × 6.2521.5 × 10.7520.5 × 10.25. Enchantments Tridents can receive the following:NameSummaryMax LevelA thrown trident returns to the player after a few seconds. Incompatible with Riptide.IIIA thrown trident hitting a mob during a thunderstorm summons a lightning bolt. Incompatible with Riptide.IThrowing a trident when in water or rain propels the player. Deals water damage to entities hit with the riptide attack. only Incompatible with Loyalty and Channeling.IIIDeals extra melee or ranged damage to aquatic mobs (except because a Drowned is considered an undead mob.) only or deal extra melee or ranged to any mobs in water or during rain. onlyVIncreases durability.IIIWhen trident is held, collected repair it rather than increase the player's XP.I onlyWhen the player dies, the trident disappears instead of dropping on the ground.INotes. ↑ Loyalty and Channeling are mutually exclusive from Riptide, but not from each other.
↑ Only available using and an.Repairing Tridents have the same as an. Entity data. Tags common to all entities see. Tags common to all projectiles see. shake: The 'shake' when projectiles hit a block.
pickup: 0 = cannot be picked up by players. 1 = can be picked up by players in survival or creative. 2 = can be picked up by players only in creative. player: 1 or 0 (true/false) - If pickup is not used, and this is true, the projectile can be picked up by players.
life: Increments each tick when a projectile is not moving; resets to 0 if it moves. When it ticks to 1200, the projectile despawns. damage: Damage dealt by the the projectile, in half-hearts. May not be a whole number. 2.0 for normal arrows, and increased 0.5 per level of Power enchantment on the firing bow. If the Power enchantment is present, an additional 0.5 is added on (so Power I gives a bonus of 1.0, while Power II gives 1.5).
inGround: 1 or 0 (true/false) - If the projectile is in the ground or hit the ground already (For arrow pickup; you cannot pickup arrows in the air). crit: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Whether the projectile deals critical damage. Physics drop play.
ShotFromCrossbow: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Whether the projectile is shot from a crossbow. PierceLevel: The amount of times this projectile can pierce through an entity.
SoundEvent: The sound event to play when hitting a block/mob, cannot use non-vanilla sound events. OwnerUUIDMost until: The most significant bits of the of the entity that fired the projectile. This is joined with OwnerUUIDLeast to form the entity's unique ID. OwnerUUIDLeast until: The least significant bits of the of the entity that fired the projectile.
Owner upcoming:: The of the entity that fired the projectile, stored as four ints. May not exist. Trident: The tag representing the item that is given when the entity is picked up. Tags common to all items see. DealtDamage: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the trident has already damaged an entity, in which case subsequent collisions with entities deal no damage.Achievements.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is out now and now players can explore all kinds of different armor and weapons. In this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide we are going to go over easy builds for early game, as well as late-game builds so that you know what to aim for from the start of the game. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Builds GuideThe builds that we are going to look into first can easily be farmed from monsters in the early parts of the game. The monsters do not pose any major threat and that is why these are easy to farm.You do not need to be in Master Rank for farm for jewels. You should farm decorations before starting the Iceborne DLC and Master Rank. The following are all the different builds that you can easily use in the early game:Jagras Deathclaw Build.