Comes in a cardboard slipcase. Identical to Global Underground Prototype 3, except for these design differences on the slipcase: On the spines of the slipcase: There is no design element before 'Seb Fontaine' and 'Prototype 3' is smaller. Concerning the requirements for prototype 3 2019, the only thing known is that the game will be released with.
As far as game play goes this is definitely in my top 5 game plays of all time. When being presented with your powers you think you will never die. I have died 6 times in 31 missions (about a day's worth of game play too), so in that sense of difficulty this game is easy. The targeting system on this game is good, when it knows what you want to target. Lets just say you are in Free-Roam and control Alex to jump in the middle of an infected zone and you try and target the nearest zombie, apparently if there is a tank in your line of sight then it will target the tank.
Therefore the fun stuff will be delayed and you will have to move the targeting towards your zombie. Now that the really really REALLY fun game play has my only complaint listed I will now talk analyze the story. The story could have gone in directions but doesn't. This plot point is insane - Alex is an amnesiac - he has no memory of who he is. He could have tried to talk about his past to Dana (who appears in the games majority - then disappears for no reason) then find out that memories is his weakness, it would have been a much more 3D game if that happened.
Get this game for the GAMEPLAY! However the story, although decent for a video game is severely lacking. If you want a story - go get Alan Wake, Max Payne (1 & 2 - haven't played 3 but I don't want to), The The Darkness (1 & 2) or Deus Ex (whole series).