Chapter Three teaches you about additional game mechanics. Puzzles become more demanding and they will require more time to solve. Just like the earlier ones, this one is divided into sectors C21 through C30 and it ends with the level called Maintenance.
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Sector C21
In the first sector, you learn about a new device that teleports a container with a beam into it. Go down and teleport the energy beam to you. Put the container in the way shown in the screenshot above and go through the open door. Take the beam that is powering the electric bridge, go through the next door and open the passage into the next sector.
Sector C22
Keep going straight ahead until you reach the room shown in the screenshot. Move the circular container with the energy beam to the right, as far as you can. Enter the room and take the beam through the window. You can use it now to open the door.
In the next room, use the device to lift the energy beam to the level above. Climb up the ladder and take the beam across the window. Open the door that leads to the next sector.
Sector C23
Take the energy beam on the right side of the room and release it into the container in front of us. Collect the container with the energy beam that is on your left and put into the container, the one in which there is the beam that you have released earlier. Put the beam from the weapon in a such way that it would allow you to unlock the way up. Climb up the stairs and take the moving beam from below. Thanks to this you will open the passage to the very top.
Take the beam from the opened door that are at the very top. Here, your task is to carry the container with the beam from the very bottom to the door at the very top. You have two moving beams and you have to release them both into the containers at the very bottom. Thanks to that you can take the container to the higher level. At the second floor, take the moving beam and open the passage to the very top. Place the container into the closed door.
The only thing you have to do now is to take the moving beams from the first and the second floor. Open the door at the very top and go towards the next sector.
Sector C24
American sniper assassin costumes. Open the door by using the device. Climb up and lower the platform. Approach the device once again and close the door, which prevents the beam from moving to the other side. Then, go towards the next sector.
Sector C25
In this room, use the pulsating energy beam to drop a container. Approach the spot that from which the energy beam is emitting and pull down the transmitter. Return to the device that controls the magnet and move it right to the position shown in the screenshot above. Go back to the lever and move it up. Thanks to that your magnet will be next to the room's exit door. Collect the moving energy beam next to the lever, pick up the container and open the door to the next sector.
Sector C26
Along your path to sector C26 you will find the third secret room. The walkthrough for that room can be found in Secret rooms chapter.
Here, you find a green beam. First, take it from the container. Then, take the blue beam located at the other side. Stand on the platform and release the beam into the container next to you. Get to the other side and release the beam into the container, the one in which the blue beam was before. Collect the container from the ground and open the door into the next room.
Open the door but don't go through it just yet. Instead, go along the upper path and collect the green beam. Release it into the container in the new room and walk into the next sector.
Sector C27
Collect the beam that comes out from the stairs. Thanks to that the platform will move a little bit closer. Carry the container onto the platform and release the beam back to its initial place. Cross the door and take the beam above the platform. Open the door and move on.
Sector C28
In the next room, there are three control panels. Position the pillar just like in the screenshot. Thanks to that one of the containers is now facing the window. Replace the green beam with the blue one. This opens the door. Release the beam into the empty container on the left pillar. Cross the door and keep your eye on the window. Take the blue beam quickly and open the door to the next sector.
Sector C29
Approach the pillar control panel. By moving the pillar, you open the door at the very bottom. Go down and remove the container with the beam. Return to the control panel and move the pillar to its initial position (shown in the screenshot). This reveals the stairs that lead down. Pick up the container and take it on the upper level.
Position the pillar in a such way that opens the door presented in the screenshot. Place the container with the beam in the empty space. Approach the pillar control panel and release the beam into the fourth, never used before, space on the left (when you are facing the control panel). Go through the newly opened door. Turn around and take the beam from the pillar. Go up and walk to the next sector.
Sector C30
This part of the game will test your reflex and agility. Approach both control panels and lower the platforms to the very bottom. Then, you have to jump quickly onto the lower one and jump over onto the other one.
You will notice three platform control panels. However, you should take the beam first. Position the platforms in the following way (when looking at the stairs).
- The first one - to the very bottom
- The second one - one level higher
- The third one - two levels higher
Using the beam allows you to move the platform one level up. Stand on the first one and move it up. Then, jump on the next one, take the beam from below and perform this action once again. After that you can go the Maintenance.
In this room you can learn a little bit of the story. After you have seen everything here, walk over to chapter four.
Chapter One teaches you the basics of the game that will be used in many puzzles. You can learn about the weapons (EMT) and equipment that is available in the game. This chapter is divided into ten sectors (A1 - A10), Planetarium and one secret room.
Sector A1
Once the game is loaded, you can see an open door in front of you. Keep moving forward until you reach a room with a closed door which is presented in the picture. Here, you can also notice a container with energy beam that you need to carry. Press E key to pick it up and carry it to the place near the door.
Sector A2
Once you get through the door, you must go forward until you reach the room that is presented in the picture. Press right mouse button to transport an energy beam to your EMT. Turn right and place it in an empty slot next to the closed door. This allows you to unlock them.
Sector A3
You are now in sector 3. Pick up the container and put it through the window that should be in front of you. Then, approach the ladder, carry the previously moved container and put it into an empty place near the door. This opens them.
Sector A4
In the next room, you should approach the energy container but don't remove it just yet. There is a lever nearby which introduces a new mechanic. Press E key - the lever will transfer the energy to a nearby cable. The door is now open and you can go to a new room.
Sector A5
When you enter sector A5, you must ignore the energy beam located above. Instead, you should go through the door. Stand in the same place as in the picture above and take the energy beam. After that you must transfer the energy to an empty space near the exit door.
Sector A6
In Sector A6, pick up the container and put it in a place near the door located on your left. Go through the door, take an energy beam and return to the previous room.
Remove the previously placed container from the door and throw it on the ground. Place the energy beam that you are carrying into the empty mechanism. Pick up the container and carry it to the empty space behind the door. Go up the stairs and move the beam from the bottom of the door to an empty space behind you. After that you can proceed to the next sector.
Sector A7
While travelling to sector A7 you can notice a door with Restricted Area written above it. This is an extra level. Completing it unlocks a Steam achievement. The walkthrough for that room can be found in Secret rooms chapter.
Here, you are introduced to a new device that involves pulling in containers by using gravity. Approach the device, press E, and move the container to your left. Then, you must move it farthest to the right side of the level. There, you should pick up a green beam from the device and carry it to an empty mechanism next to the door. Pick up the container that lies on the floor and put it in the second free slot. This unlocks the door to another room.
Sector A8
Here, you must take the beam located near the door on the left side of the room and put it into the empty container on the wall, the one located on the right. Close the switch, the one on the left wall (near the window), by moving it upwards and take the container with the energy beam. Put the container into the empty slot near the door and unlock them. Enter the room and take the beam behind the window on the right. Then, place it near the door that blocks the passage to the next sector.
Sector A9
You are now in Sector A9. Enter the room on the left side with pink light. There, you must take an energy beam located near the entrance, pull the lever down and direct the beam to the second empty container in this room. Go back to the main hall. Go through the pink room's door and take the beam from it. Place it in the container that is near the second open room.
Enter the room on the left side of the anteroom, take the energy beam and release it to an empty spot near the main door. All you have to do now is to take the free beam on the right side and fill the second empty spot.
Sector A10
In the last sector, taking the energy beam causes the platform to descend one level, while adding the beam moves it up. Take a beam from the first container, get on the platform and release the beam into the middle container. You must do the same twice. Once you reach upstairs, you must take the energy beam from the third container and put it in the empty spot near the door.
There is a straight path behind the door to Sector A10. Follow it. Finally, you reach Planetarium. Here, you can learn more about the crew. When you are done with reading, you can go towards the door on the right. Go through it and proceed to the next chapter.