But we are also encouraged by the stories of our readers finding help through our site. During these challenging times, we guarantee we will work tirelessly to support you.
When a loved one goes missing, friends and family face an anxious wait for their return or to find out what has happened to them. Some missing people are never found - but they are never forgotten.

We will continue to give you accurate and timely information throughout the crisis, and we will deliver on our mission — to help everyone in the world learn how to do anything — no matter what. Thank you to our community and to all of our readers who are working to aid others in this time of crisis, and to all of those who are making personal sacrifices for the good of their communities. We will get through this together.Sincerely,Elizabeth DouglasCEO, wikiHow.
But we are also encouraged by the stories of our readers finding help through our site. During these challenging times, we guarantee we will work tirelessly to support you. We will continue to give you accurate and timely information throughout the crisis, and we will deliver on our mission — to help everyone in the world learn how to do anything — no matter what. Thank you to our community and to all of our readers who are working to aid others in this time of crisis, and to all of those who are making personal sacrifices for the good of their communities.
We will get through this together.Sincerely,Elizabeth DouglasCEO, wikiHow. God of wonders song.