After the M1A2's lessons in Iraq came the TUSK package - Tank Urban Survival Kit. It's counterintuitive, infantry in builtup cities armed with mine, IED, EFP, RPG or ATGMs are the bane of tanks everywhere, hence the need for infantry or air support to cover tank movements, but the TUSK package did offer the M1A2 more survivalbility when it didn't have the luxury of support while in cities.
You can get the Professional version. It's $125 I believe.There is the retail version for $40 which is more for the casual simmer. The Professional Personal Edition for the price I mentioned above. It has far more versatility and more detailed operations. And finally a Professional version that costs a few thousand because it's programmable.
They can input classified numbers for the various vehicles and it has support for large network play (like a classroom for vehicle training)Hope that helps, I'm getting the Pro PE when it's available, it's going to be worth the price I think.If you need more info check out this site:see the difference between all three version better:http://www.esimgames.com/comparison.htm. Yeah I'm definately shelling out the $125.00 U.S. For this sim. Especially since the devloper said he hates PDF Manuals and the Pro PE will ship with a full manual (Ssnake actually said over at SimHq.com Forums that this product is going to be a high fidelity training simulation that encourages having a manual right in front of you when playing, not having to Alt-Tab out to read a crummy PDF File).It will be a very virtual battlefield with all types of vehicles, AFV's and Tanks fighting it out, for their respective objectives, depending on how the mission is designed.
Zula Zula is a free-to-play online first person shooter. In Zula you will discover real unique locations as Istanbul, Northern Iraq and other places of the Middle East, as well as indoor maps. You will totally immerse yourself in the world of Zula thanks to very realistic graphics. Zula indir hileli. Zula is a first person shooter. You will totally immerse yourself in the world of Zula thanks to very realistic graphics. The game has various game modes as for example Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Free for All or Wanted. Sixteen playable characters, inspired by popular TV heroes and with a unique background story. Zula - Europe is a simple first-person shooter designed for multiplayer, in which you get to enjoy classic game modes like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and a few others. The formula is simple and not very original, but the gameplay seems pretty polished, and that matters very much in an FPS, given the fact that you need to sink.
But it is a Tank sim. Just think IL2 on the ground for comparison. Not to mention the game will include, individual soldiers, support vehicles, bunkers, helicopters, mine fields and AAA assets. Also there are going to be a ton of MultiNational Tanks and even a Bradley AFV that you can fight from (TOW missles anyone). All incredibly acurate, with realistic ballistics for the different types of rounds. Plus you can man multiple positions in each vehicle; don't like to drive, switch to the commander and click the terrain/map to tell you driver where to go, or as the commander select targets and ammunition type for the gunner and give him the fire order, or select the ammo, acquire and fire the main gun yourself, or jump on the.50 cal and have some fun.
But remember, many Militarys' around the world will be using this same piece of software to train their Armoured Units. This alone is a testament to the acuracy and quality of this upcomming sim!Also take into account the fact that breaching minefields, with special minefield clearing equipment and tanks, will be possible and you have a fantastic sim here!
Of all the developer (Ssnake) is as dedicated to the community as Oleg.Here is the Official Site which shows some work in progress screens and the different release versions:http://www.steelbeasts.com/. '4.42 species of plants.' That T72 tank sim is going to be unbeatable!Also, the graphics look suspiciously similar to the engine used to make Soldner (which was a flop).Edit: Argh God, it gets better and better, whoever wrote that site was a genious!its predecessor T-64, which was only used in the Pridnestrovie conflict, the 'seventy-seconds' had to take part in operations in many conflicts'Sir, why are we called the Seventy Seconders?'
I also heard SSnake mention that when you strike and enemy tank in the track, it can destroy and lock the treads, causing the 60 plus Ton tanks to skid and slide to a stop.Crews of APC's will fire from inside their vehicles through gun ports and dismount correctly. Lots of goodies in this sim.It just sounds like it's going to be THE tank sim I hope they can get the M1A2 SEP tank in it to fight with and in.If you like Russian Tanks, Steel Beasts will have those pilotable as well from what I read.Here's some work in progress sim screenshots of the T-72, T-80, T-80U and such http://forums.ubi.com/groupeecommon/emoticons/iconsmile.gifhttp://www.steelbeasts.com/modules.php?setalbumName=T-72&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=viewalbum.php. Quote:Originally posted by AlmightyTallest:I also heard SSnake mention that when you strike and enemy tank in the track, it can destroy and lock the treads, causing the 60 plus Ton tanks to skid and slide to a stop.Crews of APC's will fire from inside their vehicles through gun ports and dismount correctly. Lots of goodies in this sim.It just sounds like it's going to be THE tank sim I hope they can get the M1A2 SEP tank in it to fight with and in.If you like Russian Tanks, Steel Beasts will have those pilotable as well from what I read.Here's some work in progress sim screenshots of the T-72, T-80, T-80U and such Also remember, those screens are still from the Alpha build and don't have the 'Real Time Shadows' added yet.
Roger that Charlie I think the plan is for Ssnake and the team to just keep updating the graphics up to the release of retail version, so that they will look similar visually. The Pro version will offer more of course for the sim fanatic, but the military agencies usually think that eye candy is secondary, all the other goodies come first Schutze lol, I haven't seen a Battlezone Arcade machine in 20 years They made a simulator for the Bradley IFV using the Battlezone engine. The tie that binds movie. Or was that they made a Bradly IFV simulator and then created the commercial Battlezone arcade game. Either way it was pretty cool for it's time with the vector graphics http://forums.ubi.com/groupeecommon/emoticons/iconsmile.gif. Yeah, Operation Flashpoint is an excellent fix for tank combat sim play - in fact I think the tank missions in OFP (and Resistance) are very very good - it's awesome being in a moving formation engaging various targets - including infantry with RPG's - and maneovering tactically (ie. Using cover / ridgelines / rocks).
The things I don't like about OFP tank combat are the limited AI and lack of commands for the driver such as 'maneover defensive' which would make the driver keep the vehicle within a certain area but constantly on the move - ie. As commander you have to tell the driver exactly what to do and he'll just drive pretty directly to where you've directed him so you need to keep commanding for direction as well as trying to engage bad guys (really bad when you forget and suddenly turn into a sitting duck - BANG, BANG, BOOM - those T80's finally gotcha). Quote:Originally posted by Acidcrash112th:its quiet suprising though that there hasnt been any tank sims since steelbeasts, especially when you consider the fact that there were several within the space of a couple of years before it came along.shame really I'm not suprised there hasn't been any.Who in their right mind would want to compete with the Steel Beats team in armored game design? There would no doubt be comparisons to Steel Beasts and when it comes to hard core simulation, Steel Beasts simply can't be touched.http://forums.ubi.com/groupeecommon/emoticons/iconsmile.gif. Quote:Originally posted by Charlie901:quote:Originally posted by AlmightyTallest:I also heard SSnake mention that when you strike and enemy tank in the track, it can destroy and lock the treads, causing the 60 plus Ton tanks to skid and slide to a stop.Crews of APC's will fire from inside their vehicles through gun ports and dismount correctly.
Lots of goodies in this sim.It just sounds like it's going to be THE tank sim I hope they can get the M1A2 SEP tank in it to fight with and in.If you like Russian Tanks, Steel Beasts will have those pilotable as well from what I read.Here's some work in progress sim screenshots of the T-72, T-80, T-80U and such Also remember, those screens are still from the Alpha build and don't have the 'Real Time Shadows' added yet. Shadows will probably be added at a later date after game release, according to the development team, IIRC. Hi,I'm the FAQ guy at SteelBeasts.com, and somebody posted there this morning quoting some possible misconceptions about SB Pro PE, and such.I'm here to offer my services as information provider and myth-debunker; there are limits to how many beans I can spill, but I'll do what I can. SB1, there was a version called Steel Beasts Pro. It's customized for training use by armies (Denmark, of course - I'm not positive which others). You can't get Steel Beasts Pro unless you're an army, and armies of one don't count.
(I tried.)Sometime, hopefully in 2006, there will be a retail version called Steel Beasts 2. It will have sexy graphics, and an interface somewhat streamlined to improve its mass appeal.
It will cost about the same as any other PC game, say $40-70 Canadian.Because they were concerned that their devoted fans would begin eating themselves while waiting for SB2, eSim is now working on Steel Beasts Pro, Personal Edition. This version is derived from the SB Pro code.
It uses the same 3D engine as Pro, and the same one that will be used for SB2. Some of the training features aren't included in SB Pro PE, and it has a multiplayer cap of eight players.Briefly, the 8-player cap is there because otherwise armies might buy Pro PE instead of the more-expensive SB Pro.SB Pro PE is going to be $125US, which includes shipping to just about anywhere.Pro PE is going to ship without things like shadows and weather.
However, there will be several free updates to Pro PE after the release which will improve the graphics and add new features (quite possibly including new vehicles). By the time the updates are done, Pro PE will look mighty similar to SB2, while remaining a slightly more 'hardcore' simulation.' Is there anything more to it than tanks?'
Currently there are tanks, APCs, trucks, Humvees, and the Mi-24 Hind (Russia's mighty helicopter), plus artillery support and infantry with very effective anti-tank weapons. You don't have hands-on control of the infantry; you can give them routes to follow and when they see targets they engage automatically, though often not as quickly as you might wish.Charlie's post is mostly correct, but so far there aren't any individual infantry (unless you start with a six-man section and get five of them killed) and so far there aren't any dedicated anti-aircraft units.Track damage is as described by AT; it's really obvious when you seize a track because the tank suddenly slews sideways, usually kicking up a big cloud of dust. This generally exposes side armor, so a second shot is likely to brew up the tank.So far, infantry don't fire from within their APCs and can't enter buildings.
I won't comment further upon this, save for the italics.M1A2SEP isn't going to be in the initial release - neither will M1A2. However, the eSim guys are smarter than the average bear, and I think they realize what M1A2s would do for their US sales.You drive your tank with WASD in Steel Beasts, or with Shift-AD to do a fine-control pivot (important if your traverse system seizes up and you're trying to be an assault gun). Or you can go to the map and plot a route, complete with various controls of your tank's behavior (fire control, actions-on-contact, smoke generator, speed, platoon formation) or from the commander's seat you can click on any point in the 3-D world and your driver will make for it, fairly intelligently working his way around cliffs, rocks, water and known minefields.Whew - long post. I'll check in periodically to answer questions as best I can, and squish any incorrect information that's getting passed around.Cheers,Jason/Hell Hound. If you are not sure you want to plunk down $125 on SB Pro PE, try the full version of Steel Beasts. It is available for under $16 here:still regularly have MP games with 16-20 persons.
Go to www.steelbeasts.com (to find out more.If you are not sure you want to plunk down $16 for the current best Tank Sim available, try the Demo. Get it here:the time to work through the M1 Tutorials and the included battle. There is a learning curve. This is a sim after all.The demo is free. You will be hooked like the rest of us SB junkies.Muhhaaaahahahahahahahahah. Quote:Originally posted by HeIIHound:Hi,I'm the FAQ guy at SteelBeasts.com, and somebody posted there this morning quoting some possible misconceptions about SB Pro PE, and such.I'm here to offer my services as information provider and myth-debunker; there are limits to how many beans I can spill, but I'll do what I can. SB1, there was a version called Steel Beasts Pro.
It's customized for training use by armies (Denmark, of course - I'm not positive which others). You can't get Steel Beasts Pro unless you're an army, and armies of one don't count.
(I tried.)Sometime, hopefully in 2006, there will be a retail version called Steel Beasts 2. It will have sexy graphics, and an interface somewhat streamlined to improve its mass appeal. It will cost about the same as any other PC game, say $40-70 Canadian.Because they were concerned that their devoted fans would begin eating themselves while waiting for SB2, eSim is now working on Steel Beasts Pro, Personal Edition. This version is derived from the SB Pro code. It uses the same 3D engine as Pro, and the same one that will be used for SB2. Some of the training features aren't included in SB Pro PE, and it has a multiplayer cap of eight players.Briefly, the 8-player cap is there because otherwise armies might buy Pro PE instead of the more-expensive SB Pro.SB Pro PE is going to be $125US, which includes shipping to just about anywhere.Pro PE is going to ship without things like shadows and weather.
However, there will be several free updates to Pro PE after the release which will improve the graphics and add new features (quite possibly including new vehicles). By the time the updates are done, Pro PE will look mighty similar to SB2, while remaining a slightly more 'hardcore' simulation.' Is there anything more to it than tanks?'
Currently there are tanks, APCs, trucks, Humvees, and the Mi-24 Hind (Russia's mighty helicopter), plus artillery support and infantry with very effective anti-tank weapons. You don't have hands-on control of the infantry; you can give them routes to follow and when they see targets they engage automatically, though often not as quickly as you might wish.Charlie's post is mostly correct, but so far there aren't any individual infantry (unless you start with a six-man section and get five of them killed) and so far there aren't any dedicated anti-aircraft units.Track damage is as described by AT; it's really obvious when you seize a track because the tank suddenly slews sideways, usually kicking up a big cloud of dust.
This generally exposes side armor, so a second shot is likely to brew up the tank.So far, infantry don't fire from within their APCs and can't enter buildings. I won't comment further upon this, save for the italics.M1A2SEP isn't going to be in the initial release - neither will M1A2. However, the eSim guys are smarter than the average bear, and I think they realize what M1A2s would do for their US sales.You drive your tank with WASD in Steel Beasts, or with Shift-AD to do a fine-control pivot (important if your traverse system seizes up and you're trying to be an assault gun).
Or you can go to the map and plot a route, complete with various controls of your tank's behavior (fire control, actions-on-contact, smoke generator, speed, platoon formation) or from the commander's seat you can click on any point in the 3-D world and your driver will make for it, fairly intelligently working his way around cliffs, rocks, water and known minefields.Whew - long post. I'll check in periodically to answer questions as best I can, and squish any incorrect information that's getting passed around.Cheers,Jason/Hell Hound Thanks Hell Hound!A Great sim with great developer support will make this an outstanding title. Quote:Originally posted by Yimmy:Acid - is that you in your avarta?I saw a guy like that once, full NBC kit, dancing away in a night club.Concerning the tank sim - is there anything more to it than er, tanks? I mean, although you can only use the tank is it a full dimensional battle going around you, or just enemy vehicles? Yep it is indeedFlashpoint, I was an avid player of the OFP series from day one but have stopped playing it since, when you play it for so long you notice the many big limitations, still, theres alot of very nice looking 3rd party models out thereas for steelbeasts, I actually tried the demo of that and Armored Fist the other week, but alas neither run exactly well on my system, too old. It looked like what i would imagine it would if you were on lsd. Rather funky but not exactly playable hehthis 8 player limit though for SB2 is abit disapointing though, i know where they are coming from with it, but doesnt make it any less disapointing.
There is a total of 21 different vechiles in SB1 that can be played in one form or the other. It runs fine on a PIII 300mhz or better. Only the Leo and M1a1 are fully simulated (you can even play two players to a tank at the same time - one Tank Commander and one Gunner).
For a full list, with description and screen shots see:has no limit to the number of players except by the host computer and the broadband connection. 20 player games happen often.SB Pro PE will be limited to 8 players.SB2, to the best of my understanding, will have no such player limitation. Quote:Originally posted by Yimmy:'4.42 species of plants.' That T72 tank sim is going to be unbeatable!Also, the graphics look suspiciously similar to the engine used to make Soldner (which was a flop).Edit: Argh God, it gets better and better, whoever wrote that site was a genious!its predecessor T-64, which was only used in the Pridnestrovie conflict, the 'seventy-seconds' had to take part in operations in many conflicts'Sir, why are we called the Seventy Seconders?' Looks like a leapord2 at steel beasts.
And T-72 demo sucks. Doesn't work, its makes this sound EIUIOEEMFOEKPOFIEPFMEPFEPOFKEPOFKPEOKFPOEFPOEFPOOO OEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEDDFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE. Quote:Originally posted by TrinkAfri-Cola:quote:Originally posted by Yimmy:'4.42 species of plants.' That T72 tank sim is going to be unbeatable!Also, the graphics look suspiciously similar to the engine used to make Soldner (which was a flop).Edit: Argh God, it gets better and better, whoever wrote that site was a genious!its predecessor T-64, which was only used in the Pridnestrovie conflict, the 'seventy-seconds' had to take part in operations in many conflicts'Sir, why are we called the Seventy Seconders?' Looks like a leapord2 at steel beasts. And T-72 demo sucks. Doesn't work, its makes this sound EIUIOEEMFOEKPOFIEPFMEPFEPOFKEPOFKPEOKFPOEFPOEFPOOO OEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEDDFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE You must be talking about the 'T-72 Balklands on Fire', tank Sim in development?

This one also looks very good.I would retry downloading the demo, remember its all in Russian though! Supposedly an english version updated demo is due out some time Q2.Re: the demo, You might be using the wrong keys that is unless your turrent is stuck which can happen if you take damage.
If you guys are looking for a great Tank simulator, I would suggest Operation Flashpoint. You can play more than just tanks. You can play as infantry, vehicles, helicopters and jets. The helicopters are great but the jets fim characteristics suck. I know what your thinking 'sounds like Battlefield 1942'. Well it isn't. It is a really great game that looks just like that Steal Beast set up they were showing.
And there are lots of online add ons so that you can get your favorite vehicle and go blow it up. Check it out. Quote:Originally posted by Riper-Snifle:If you guys are looking for a great Tank simulator, I would suggest Operation Flashpoint. You can play more than just tanks. You can play as infantry, vehicles, helicopters and jets.
The helicopters are great but the jets fim characteristics suck. I know what your thinking 'sounds like Battlefield 1942'. Well it isn't. It is a really great game that looks just like that Steal Beast set up they were showing.
And there are lots of online add ons so that you can get your favorite vehicle and go blow it up. Check it out. Ofp.gamezone.cz I'm not knocking OPF, cause it's a great game, but it's a far cry away from a Tank simulator.Because.Driving and fighting with any vehicle in OPF is just like in the MOH, BF series, arcade games. There is no Tank interior modeling, acurate damage model, independant systems failures, no flight path trajectory physics for rounds, no ability to select ammo type and really no physics at all applied to the vehicles cause they all drive the same. In a way, comparing OPF as a a Tank Sim to Steel Beasts I or II is like comparing Crimson Skies to IL2.However, if you want easy controls and fun blowing stuff up in 3rd person views, OPF vehicles can be fun.But please stop referring to OPF as a Tank Simulator!