Tool crafting recipes to use!.C. Tool Handle (30)File + timber+ =.C. Flimsy Shovel (40)Tool handle + sheet of metal + duct tape+ + =.C. Lightweight Shovel (60)Flimsy shovel + sheet of metal + duct tape+ + =.C. Sturdy Shovel - (80) Just keep digging.
Welcome to Sugar Sugar Rune Wikia! Please edit,thanks! The story is about two best friends, Chocolat Meilleure and Vanilla Mieux, who are young witches from the Magical World. They are chosen to compete in a contest to see who can collect the most hearts from human boys. With the help of Rockin. NEW SUGAR SUGAR RUNE REDDIT Edit. Official Site: Sugar Rune. Archive Edit. Message Board Edit. Here you can add messages to the whole SSR community! No spam please. Message from the creator of SSR Wiki Edit. Sugar Sugar Rune is a Magical Girl series. Originally a manga by Moyoco Anno, it was adapted into a 51 episode anime in 2005. Chocolat and Vanilla are two young witches from the Magical World, the best of friends despite being polar opposites. They're both chosen as candidates to become the Magical World's future queen. Read Sugar Sugar Rune Manga Online Little witch-girls Chocolat and Vanilla are best friends, but only one of them can be Queen of the Magic World. To determine who deserves the title, they must go to the Human World and enter a strange competition. Sugar sugar rune. Watch lastest Episode 032 and download Sugar Sugar Rune online on KissAnime. Watch Sugar Sugar Rune free without downloading, signup.
Crafting Recipes For Weapons. Owch.C. = ContrabandIntellect is written in circular brackets '( )'Attack power is written in squared brackets ' '.C.
Comb Shiv (0) 2/5Use a comb on a wall.C. Comb Blade (20) 2/5Comb + razor blade+ =.C.
Let's make a list for crafting materials The Escapists: The Walking Dead. My percentage is all messed up and I am having to re-craft a lot of.
Toothbrush Shiv (0) 2/5Use a toothbrush on a wall.C. Glass Shank (0) 4/5Glass Shard + Duct Tape+ =.C.Molten Chocolate - (40) Instant KO, Yum. Hot hot hot!Bar Of Chocolate + cup + lighter+ + =.C. Sock Mace (30) 3/5Sock + soap+ =.C. Super Sock Mace (50) 3/5Sock + battery+ =.C. Nunchuks (70) 5/5Wire + timber x 2+ + =.C.

Whip - (80) 5/5 In case anyone drops the soap around you.Timber + wire + razor blade+ + =.C. Knuckle Duster (60) 4/5Razor blade + duct tape+ =.